About Me

Hi,  I’m Krista. I’m so happy to see you!  Thanks for stopping by!

I started KristaLevin.com in 2018 to help me find an outlet for writing, share new hobbies or crafting that I attempt, and a space to share my life experiences.  I absolutely LOVE to read and over the years a desire to write my own story has grown. I have very little experience in writing except my schooling, which ended after my first semester in college.  So I’m not quite sure what I am doing. I just wanted to share my adventures and inspire others to enjoy life in their own way. I’m hoping to learn more about myself and connect with other like-minded folks.

About me:
I grew up in New Jersey. I was very much a beach bum and a nature lover.  Our home was on a secluded wooded street. We were tucked away from the street, surrounded by a beautiful, mature forest, with a cute pond out front.  It was a whimsical place. In my youth, if I wasn’t home, I was on my bike headed east to the beach, or just across town to my best friend’s house (I’m proud to say we are still besties today!).

I was a bit of a wild child which, hopefully will lead to some interesting stories on my blog.  I had my first child at 19. My son, Stan, was my first love. He taught me so much about growing up.  My experience of becoming a Mom was not traditional but it was the best thing to ever happen to me. I feel he saved my life and believe me, I was a tough nut to crack when it came to maturing.  I fought it tooth and nail, went kicking and screaming. I’ve learned it’s ok to mature but at the same time I refuse to grow up!

Fifteen years after I had my son, Stan, I had, Dylan. He is the ray of sunshine in my night owl life. Boy did things change but for the better for sure!! He is smart and active.  He participates in football and lacrosse.  He loves math and science.

I love to read books and watch movies.  I have an active imagination but through life I haven’t found the right outlet for me.  I’ve always been active in sports as a child. I ran track, played field hockey, and played softball from age 5 through high school.  As an adult I briefly returned to softball but that was not as easy as I thought it would be. Later, I took a stab at roller derby. That will be an entire blog post on its own.  Today I’m less into organized sports and more into walking, hiking, beach days, concerts/festivals, and poolside fun.

I feel I’m a jack of all trades, master of none.  I’m curious, a risk taker, and I like to try new things all the time.  Thankfully, my family and friends are also into new adventures, so together we have tried bunches of fun activities.  There are so many things I still want to learn and try. From sewing to robotics to painting to sign language. I look forward to telling stories from my past and sharing my future endeavors.

I love being with my family.  Especially, when, Stan, now an adult, is home.  He lives out west in Scottsdale, AZ.  When I have my boys home is when all feels right.

My goal with KristaLevin.com is to encourage myself to keep trying new things and exercise my writing muscle by sharing stories and experiences with my readers.

I hope you enjoyed your stay and come back often!